
Summer Branding Boot-Camp

Four-part Summer Branding Series

Are you searching for your business identity? Are you unclear what branding really is but think you’re ready for it? Have you dipped your toe into branding and gotten scared and never returned?

Are you a seasoned pro-brander looking for a refresh or to continue in your branding evolution?

Then our summer branding series is for you! All of you! Limited to 12 participants, we’ll address the basics of branding, delve deeper into how to express your message and attract your ideal clients through your branding, and then finish strong learning about creating a business card that will get admired, then kept. Forever. Jump in for whatever session you want or maximize your potential and attend all three. These sessions are priced considerably below market value in our continual quest to serve our members.

Click on the picture to register for the workshop:

Brand Identity:Why Branding is more than Your Logo. The word branding is everywhere these days. But do you know what it really means?         Branding Essentials: Identifying who you are, what inspires you, who you seek and how to use this information to leverage business.


Social branding can increase your brand awareness and brand loyalty. It's about branding your social media in a consistent style people instantly recognize.         This is the final session we learn to design an unforgettable business card that captures our ideal clients or customers in a way they won’t forget us!